NIttany Lions vs. Greater Allegheny (@ Cal Ripken Experience)
Colin Stauffer at the plate.
Wyatt Kindler waits for the pitch.
Nick Vital from the wind up.
Joan Vasquez receives a pitch behind the plate.
James Conza fields a groundball.
Eric Weaver at the plate.
Mason Goida fields a ground ball.
James Conza catches a line drive.
Corey Brock leads off from second base.
Mason Goida leaps to catch a throw down to second base.
Eric Weaver charges a ground ball.
Rafael Santos and Steph Yurchak pose for the camera.
Colin Stauffer ready to swing at the pitch.
Brett Kosciolek warms up in the bullpen.
Jacob Taschler ready in the batters' box.
Brandon Hardiman leaves the box after contact.
Joan Vasquez tosses the ball back to the pitcher.
Ryan WIngerter throws the ball to first base.
James Conza throws the ball to first base.
Ryan Wingerter awaits a pitch.
Brandon Hardiman swings a the pitch.
Steph Yurchak makes a throw from the outfield.
Jacob Taschler swings at a pitch.
Mason Goida throws the ball to first base.
Steph Yurchak throws the ball from right field.
Brett Kosciolek delivers a pitch.
Colin Stauffer makes a swing.
Brandon Hardiman awaits a pitch in the box.
Scott Shamany starts his swing.
Colin Stauffer receives a pick off attempt.
Joan Vasquez stands at second after a double off the wall.
Steph Yurchak swings at the pitch.
James Conza swings at the pitch.
Brett Kosciolek winds up from the hill.
Jacob Taschler charges a ball in the infield.
Wyatt Kindler leads off second base.
Mason Goida swings at the pitch.
Ryan Wingerter awaits a play at third base.
Eric Weaver steps into the batters' box.
Nick Vital delivers a pitch.
Ryan Wingerter runs to first base.
Scott Shamany leads off first base.
Eric Weaver trots to first base after a walk.
Mason Goida shows the ball to the umpire after snagging a line drive.
Steph Yurchak awaits a pitch in the batters' box.