Hazleton vs. William Patterson
Nick Nowak
Nowak receives a pass.
Jordan Singletary
Singletary gets a rebound.
Jordan Singletary
Singletary looks for a pass.
Royce Brathwaite
Royce brings the ball up court.
Jacob Solano
Solano threads a pass.
Jordan Singletary
Jordan Singletary jumps for the tip.
Jordan Singletary
Singletary drives to the basket.
Royce Brathwaite
Royce remains focus on defense.
Kyle Kelly
Kelly looks for a pass.
Jacob Solano
Solano pulls up for the shot.
Royce Brathwaite
Anthony Kaiser
Jordan Singletary
Hazleton defends.
Jordan Singletary
Singletary contests shot.
Nick Nowak
Nowak shoots off balance.
Jordan Singletary
Jordan Singletary slams the ball home.
Gregory DePaolis
DePaolis shifts into defensive position.
Nick Nowak
Nick Nowak dribbles to create space.
Jordan Singletary
Singletary goes up strong.
Jordan Singletary
Jordan Singletary receives a pass.
Jordan Singletary
Singletary grabs the rebound
Jacob Solano
Solano dribbles up court.
Kyle Kelly
Kelly passes.
Royce Brathwaite
Brathwaite brings the ball up the court
Gregory DePaolis
DePaolis drives and passes.
Jacob Solano
Solano shoots.
Robbie Hopkins
Hopkins dribbles around defenders.
Kyle Kelly
Kelly drives past defender.
Jordan Singletary
Singletary passes.
Gregory DePaolis
DePaolis looks for a pass.
Jacob Solano
Solano looks for an open teammate.
Jacob Solano
Solano drives the lane.
Anthony Kaiser
Kaiser looks for a pass.