Hazleton vs. Berkekely NJ
Mike Principe dribbles the ball downfield.
Yocum collects the ball.
Klusewitz cuts across the Berkley midfield.
Whitenight plays the free kick.
Tekleyohannes crosses the ball.
Diouf evades a defender.
Brandon Yocum punts the ball down field.
Diouf looks to combine with Kyle Venditti.
Kitzmiller looks to spring the counter attack.
Pasukinis breaks through the Berkley back line.
Pasukinis wins a 50/50 ball.
Kitzmiller gains possession.
Yocum takes a goal kick.
Principe hits a long ball.
Hanrahan closes down a Berkley midfielder.
Diouf speeds past the defender.
Diouf tracks the ball.
Principe settles the ball and looks to pass.
Venditti races past the Berkley defense.
Venditti changes direction to pressure the Berkley opponent.
Whitenight throws the ball in to a teammate.