12 Martina Herring

- Year:
- SO
- Hometown:
- Albrightsville, PA
- High School:
- Palmerton HS
- Position:
- P/OF
High School Achievements: Palmerton HS
4 Year Varsity Letterman
Record for Most Wins (36)
Inning Pitched (455)
Fewest BB/Game (2.65)
Most Appearances (71)
Most Career Strikeouts (459)
Most Strikeouts in One Game (17)
Carpenter Cup PLayer as a Sohp. and Jr. for Lehigh Valley
Collegiate Achievements:
PSUAC 2nd Team Pitcher Award
PSUAC All-Conference Award
Future Plans:
Get a job as a Physical Therapist
Coach High School Softball
Person she would most like to have dinner with:
Carlos Ruiz