Official Volleyball Box Score

Penn State Mont Alto vs. Penn State Hazleton

11/8/2024 at 7:30 PM
@ Lemont Furnace, Pa. (Main)
Final 1 2 3 4 5 Score
Penn State Mont Alto (17-11) 18 20 25 25 9 2
Penn State Hazleton (19-9) 25 25 23 19 15 3
Set: 1st  |  2nd  |  3rd  |  4th  |  5th
  MONT ALT starters: Elizabeth Trella; Shanez Morales; Gracie Vaughn; Arianna Davey; Andrea Lammi-McLean; Katie Sinks.  
  HAZELTON starters: Sarah Ballek; Sydney Mack; Sophia Del Vacchio; Rebecca Dzuranin; Claire Riera-Gomez; Kaytlin Kelley.  
1-0 [Katie Sinks] Service ace (Sydney Mack). Point MONT ALT
[Katie Sinks] Attack error by Elizabeth Trella. Point HAZELTON 1-1
[Claire Riera-Gomez] Service ace (Shanez Morales). Point HAZELTON 1-2
2-2 [Claire Riera-Gomez] Kill by Elizabeth Trella (from Katie Sinks). Point MONT ALT
  HAZELTON subs: Lindsey Barron.  
  MONT ALT subs: Cadance Somau; Leslie Huckle.  
3-2 [Cadance Somau] Attack error by Nora Jones. Point MONT ALT
[Cadance Somau] Kill by Sydney Mack (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 3-3
4-3 [Nora Jones] Attack error by Sydney Mack. Point MONT ALT
[Ashlyn Vandenbree] Kill by Sydney Mack (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 4-4
5-4 [Sophia Del Vacchio] Attack error by Rebecca Dzuranin. Point MONT ALT
  MONT ALT subs: Nia Moore; Zoey McCormack.  
6-4 [Zoey McCormack] Kill by Leslie Huckle (from Ashlyn Vandenbree). Point MONT ALT
[Zoey McCormack] Attack error by Nia Moore. Point HAZELTON 6-5
[Sydney Mack] Attack error by Arianna Davey (block by Sarah Ballek; Rebecca Dzuranin). Point HAZELTON 6-6
[Sydney Mack] Kill by Lindsey Barron (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 6-7
[Sydney Mack] Attack error by Leslie Huckle. Point HAZELTON 6-8
[Sydney Mack] Attack error by Leslie Huckle. Point HAZELTON 6-9
[Sydney Mack] Attack error by Nia Moore. Point HAZELTON 6-10
7-10 [Sydney Mack] Service error. Point MONT ALT
[Andrea Lammi-McLean] Attack error by Nia Moore. Point HAZELTON 7-11
  HAZELTON subs: Claire Riera-Gomez.  
[Sarah Ballek] Attack error by Elizabeth Trella (block by Rebecca Dzuranin; Kaytlin Kelley). Point HAZELTON 7-12
  Timeout Penn State Mont Alto.  
[Sarah Ballek] Kill by Kaytlin Kelley (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 7-13
8-13 [Sarah Ballek] Attack error by Sarah Ballek. Point MONT ALT
  MONT ALT subs: Abigail Wagner.  
[Abigail Wagner] Service error. Point HAZELTON 8-14
[Rebecca Dzuranin] Attack error by Elizabeth Trella. Point HAZELTON 8-15
[Rebecca Dzuranin] Attack error by Elizabeth Trella. Point HAZELTON 8-16
9-16 [Rebecca Dzuranin] Service error. Point MONT ALT
[Katie Sinks] Kill by Kaytlin Kelley. Point HAZELTON 9-17
[Claire Riera-Gomez] Service ace (Andrea Lammi-McLean). Point HAZELTON 9-18
10-18 [Claire Riera-Gomez] Attack error by Kaytlin Kelley (block by Gracie Vaughn). Point MONT ALT
[Cadance Somau] Kill by Sydney Mack (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 10-19
11-19 [Nora Jones] Kill by Leslie Huckle (from Katie Sinks). Point MONT ALT
12-19 [Ashlyn Vandenbree] Attack error by Sydney Mack (block by Shanez Morales; Arianna Davey). Point MONT ALT
[Ashlyn Vandenbree] Kill by Sarah Ballek (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 12-20
  Timeout Penn State Mont Alto.  
13-20 [Sophia Del Vacchio] Service error. Point MONT ALT
14-20 [Zoey McCormack] Kill by Leslie Huckle (from Zoey McCormack). Point MONT ALT
15-20 [Zoey McCormack] Attack error by Sydney Mack (block by Nia Moore; Arianna Davey). Point MONT ALT
[Zoey McCormack] Attack error by Leslie Huckle. Point HAZELTON 15-21
16-21 [Sydney Mack] Kill by Leslie Huckle (from Zoey McCormack). Point MONT ALT
[Andrea Lammi-McLean] Kill by Rebecca Dzuranin. Point HAZELTON 16-22
[Sarah Ballek] Service ace (Ashlyn Vandenbree). Point HAZELTON 16-23
17-23 [Sarah Ballek] Kill by Elizabeth Trella (from Zoey McCormack). Point MONT ALT
18-23 [Abigail Wagner] Service ace (Sydney Mack). Point MONT ALT
  Timeout Penn State Hazleton.  
[Abigail Wagner] Kill by Claire Riera-Gomez (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 18-24
[Rebecca Dzuranin] Kill by Kaytlin Kelley (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 18-25
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  On court for HAZELTON: Sarah Ballek; Sydney Mack; Sophia Del Vacchio; Rebecca Dzuranin; Kaytlin Kelley; Claire Riera-Gomez.  
  On court for MONT ALT: Elizabeth Trella; Shanez Morales; Gracie Vaughn; Andrea Lammi-McLean; Katie Sinks; Ashlyn Vandenbree.  
[Claire Riera-Gomez] Service ace (Andrea Lammi-McLean). Point HAZELTON 0-1
[Claire Riera-Gomez] Service ace (Team). Point HAZELTON 0-2
[Claire Riera-Gomez] Service ace (Andrea Lammi-McLean). Point HAZELTON 0-3
  MONT ALT subs: Leslie Huckle.  
[Claire Riera-Gomez] Kill by Sydney Mack (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 0-4
1-4 [Claire Riera-Gomez] Kill by Shanez Morales (from Ashlyn Vandenbree). Point MONT ALT
  HAZELTON subs: Lindsey Barron.  
  MONT ALT subs: Cadance Somau.  
[Cadance Somau] Kill by Kaytlin Kelley (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 1-5
[Nora Jones] Attack error by Gracie Vaughn (block by Sarah Ballek; Sydney Mack). Point HAZELTON 1-6
  Timeout Penn State Mont Alto.  
[Nora Jones] Attack error by Leslie Huckle. Point HAZELTON 1-7
2-7 [Nora Jones] Attack error by Sydney Mack. Point MONT ALT
[Ashlyn Vandenbree] Kill by Sarah Ballek (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 2-8
[Sophia Del Vacchio] Kill by Sophia Del Vacchio (from Rebecca Dzuranin). Point HAZELTON 2-9
3-9 [Sophia Del Vacchio] Kill by Leslie Huckle (from Katie Sinks). Point MONT ALT
  MONT ALT subs: Nia Moore; Zoey McCormack.  
[Zoey McCormack] Kill by Rebecca Dzuranin (from Sophia Del Vacchio), block error by Leslie Huckle. Point HAZELTON 3-10
4-10 [Sydney Mack] Attack error by Sydney Mack. Point MONT ALT
  MONT ALT subs: Elizabeth Trella; Andrea Lammi-McLean.  
5-10 [Andrea Lammi-McLean] Attack error by Sarah Ballek (block by Elizabeth Trella; Arianna Davey). Point MONT ALT
[Andrea Lammi-McLean] Service error. Point HAZELTON 5-11
  HAZELTON subs: Claire Riera-Gomez.  
6-11 [Sarah Ballek] Kill by Elizabeth Trella (from Zoey McCormack). Point MONT ALT
  MONT ALT subs: Abigail Wagner.  
[Abigail Wagner] Kill by Claire Riera-Gomez (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 6-12
7-12 [Rebecca Dzuranin] Attack error by Claire Riera-Gomez (block by Nia Moore; Gracie Vaughn). Point MONT ALT
8-12 [Katie Sinks] Attack error by Kaytlin Kelley. Point MONT ALT
9-12 [Katie Sinks] Attack error by Claire Riera-Gomez. Point MONT ALT
[Katie Sinks] Kill by Claire Riera-Gomez (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 9-13
10-13 [Claire Riera-Gomez] Kill by Shanez Morales (from Katie Sinks). Point MONT ALT
[Cadance Somau] Kill by Sydney Mack (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 10-14
11-14 [Nora Jones] Attack error by Lindsey Barron. Point MONT ALT
[Ashlyn Vandenbree] Kill by Sydney Mack (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 11-15
12-15 [Sophia Del Vacchio] Kill by Leslie Huckle (from Katie Sinks). Point MONT ALT
[Zoey McCormack] Attack error by Arianna Davey. Point HAZELTON 12-16
[Sydney Mack] Kill by Rebecca Dzuranin (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 12-17
[Sydney Mack] Service ace (Leslie Huckle). Point HAZELTON 12-18
[Sydney Mack] Service ace (Leslie Huckle). Point HAZELTON 12-19
13-19 [Sydney Mack] Service error. Point MONT ALT
14-19 [Andrea Lammi-McLean] Kill by Zoey McCormack (from Andrea Lammi-McLean). Point MONT ALT
  On court for MONT ALT: Elizabeth Trella; Nia Moore; Arianna Davey; Andrea Lammi-McLean; Zoey McCormack; Ashlyn Vandenbree.  
15-19 [Andrea Lammi-McLean] Attack error by Lindsey Barron (block by Nia Moore; Arianna Davey). Point MONT ALT
[Andrea Lammi-McLean] Kill by Lindsey Barron (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 15-20
16-20 [Sarah Ballek] Kill by Nia Moore (from Zoey McCormack). Point MONT ALT
17-20 [Abigail Wagner] Service ace (Rebecca Dzuranin). Point MONT ALT
[Abigail Wagner] Service error. Point HAZELTON 17-21
18-21 [Rebecca Dzuranin] Attack error by Kaytlin Kelley. Point MONT ALT
[Katie Sinks] Service error. Point HAZELTON 18-22
  Timeout Penn State Mont Alto.  
[Claire Riera-Gomez] Kill by Sydney Mack (from Sophia Del Vacchio), block error by Shanez Morales. Point HAZELTON 18-23
[Claire Riera-Gomez] Kill by Sydney Mack (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 18-24
19-24 [Claire Riera-Gomez] Kill by Gracie Vaughn (from Katie Sinks). Point MONT ALT
20-24 [Cadance Somau] Attack error by Sydney Mack (block by Shanez Morales; Gracie Vaughn). Point MONT ALT
[Cadance Somau] Kill by Sydney Mack (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 20-25
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  On court for HAZELTON: Sarah Ballek; Sydney Mack; Sophia Del Vacchio; Rebecca Dzuranin; Claire Riera-Gomez; Kaytlin Kelley.  
  On court for MONT ALT: Elizabeth Trella; Nia Moore; Gracie Vaughn; Arianna Davey; Andrea Lammi-McLean; Katie Sinks.  
1-0 [Katie Sinks] Service ace (Sydney Mack). Point MONT ALT
2-0 [Katie Sinks] Kill by Gracie Vaughn (from Katie Sinks). Point MONT ALT
3-0 [Katie Sinks] Service ace (Team). Point MONT ALT
[Katie Sinks] Kill by Claire Riera-Gomez (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 3-1
[Claire Riera-Gomez] Attack error by Gracie Vaughn. Point HAZELTON 3-2
[Claire Riera-Gomez] Service ace (Andrea Lammi-McLean). Point HAZELTON 3-3
  MONT ALT subs: Leslie Huckle.  
4-3 [Claire Riera-Gomez] Kill by Shanez Morales (from Katie Sinks). Point MONT ALT
  MONT ALT subs: Cadance Somau.  
  HAZELTON subs: Lindsey Barron.  
5-3 [Cadance Somau] Attack error by Sydney Mack (block by Shanez Morales; Gracie Vaughn). Point MONT ALT
6-3 [Cadance Somau] Attack error by Kaytlin Kelley. Point MONT ALT
7-3 [Cadance Somau] Kill by Gracie Vaughn (from Ashlyn Vandenbree). Point MONT ALT
  Timeout Penn State Hazleton.  
8-3 [Cadance Somau] Kill by Leslie Huckle (from Katie Sinks). Point MONT ALT
[Cadance Somau] Kill by Sydney Mack (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 8-4
9-4 [Nora Jones] Service error. Point MONT ALT
[Ashlyn Vandenbree] Kill by Sydney Mack (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 9-5
10-5 [Sophia Del Vacchio] Kill by Arianna Davey (from Katie Sinks). Point MONT ALT
  MONT ALT subs: Nia Moore; Zoey McCormack.  
11-5 [Zoey McCormack] Attack error by Sarah Ballek (block by Arianna Davey). Point MONT ALT
12-5 [Zoey McCormack] Kill by Nia Moore (from Zoey McCormack). Point MONT ALT
[Zoey McCormack] Kill by Rebecca Dzuranin (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 12-6
[Sydney Mack] Attack error by Arianna Davey. Point HAZELTON 12-7
[Sydney Mack] Attack error by Arianna Davey. Point HAZELTON 12-8
13-8 [Sydney Mack] Attack error by Rebecca Dzuranin (block by Arianna Davey; Leslie Huckle). Point MONT ALT
[Leslie Huckle] Kill by Lindsey Barron (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 13-9
14-9 [Sarah Ballek] Attack error by Claire Riera-Gomez. Point MONT ALT
15-9 [Kiera Mouer] Attack error by Claire Riera-Gomez (block by Nia Moore; Gracie Vaughn). Point MONT ALT
[Kiera Mouer] Kill by Sophia Del Vacchio. Point HAZELTON 15-10
16-10 [Rebecca Dzuranin] Service error. Point MONT ALT
17-10 [Katie Sinks] Kill by Gracie Vaughn (from Katie Sinks). Point MONT ALT
  Timeout Penn State Hazleton.  
[Katie Sinks] Kill by Claire Riera-Gomez (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 17-11
18-11 [Claire Riera-Gomez] Kill by Gracie Vaughn (from Katie Sinks). Point MONT ALT
[Cadance Somau] Kill by Sydney Mack (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 18-12
[Nora Jones] Attack error by Gracie Vaughn. Point HAZELTON 18-13
19-13 [Nora Jones] Service error. Point MONT ALT
[Ashlyn Vandenbree] Kill by Sarah Ballek. Point HAZELTON 19-14
[Sophia Del Vacchio] Kill by Sydney Mack (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 19-15
[Sophia Del Vacchio] Attack error by Leslie Huckle. Point HAZELTON 19-16
20-16 [Sophia Del Vacchio] Kill by Leslie Huckle (from Katie Sinks). Point MONT ALT
[Zoey McCormack] Attack error by Nia Moore. Point HAZELTON 20-17
  Timeout Penn State Mont Alto.  
21-17 [Sydney Mack] Kill by Nia Moore (from Zoey McCormack). Point MONT ALT
22-17 [Leslie Huckle] Attack error by Lindsey Barron (block by Nia Moore; Arianna Davey). Point MONT ALT
[Leslie Huckle] Attack error by Elizabeth Trella. Point HAZELTON 22-18
[Sarah Ballek] Kill by Kaytlin Kelley (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 22-19
[Sarah Ballek] Attack error by Elizabeth Trella. Point HAZELTON 22-20
  MONT ALT subs: Shea Leber.  
[Sarah Ballek] Kill by Claire Riera-Gomez (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 22-21
  Timeout Penn State Mont Alto.  
[Sarah Ballek] Kill by Claire Riera-Gomez (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 22-22
  MONT ALT subs: Abigail Wagner.  
[Sarah Ballek] Attack error by Abigail Wagner (block by Kaytlin Kelley). Point HAZELTON 22-23
23-23 [Sarah Ballek] Kill by Nia Moore (from Zoey McCormack). Point MONT ALT
24-23 [Kiera Mouer] Kill by Gracie Vaughn (from Zoey McCormack). Point MONT ALT
25-23 [Kiera Mouer] Attack error by Kaytlin Kelley (block by Gracie Vaughn). Point MONT ALT
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1-0 [Claire Riera-Gomez] Kill by Elizabeth Trella (from Katie Sinks). Point MONT ALT
[Anna Mowrer] Attack error by Leslie Huckle. Point HAZELTON 1-1
[Nora Jones] Service ace (Cadance Somau). Point HAZELTON 1-2
[Nora Jones] Attack error by Gracie Vaughn. Point HAZELTON 1-3
2-3 [Nora Jones] Kill by Leslie Huckle (from Katie Sinks). Point MONT ALT
[Ashlyn Vandenbree] Kill by Sydney Mack (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 2-4
[Sophia Del Vacchio] Kill by Nora Jones. Point HAZELTON 2-5
3-5 [Sophia Del Vacchio] Service error. Point MONT ALT
[Zoey McCormack] Kill by Sydney Mack (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 3-6
4-6 [Sydney Mack] Kill by Leslie Huckle (from Zoey McCormack). Point MONT ALT
[Leslie Huckle] Service error. Point HAZELTON 4-7
  On court for MONT ALT: Elizabeth Trella; Nia Moore; Arianna Davey; Leslie Huckle; Ashlyn Vandenbree; Zoey McCormack.  
5-7 [Sarah Ballek] Attack error by Rebecca Dzuranin. Point MONT ALT
6-7 [Kiera Mouer] Attack error by Claire Riera-Gomez (block by Nia Moore; Gracie Vaughn). Point MONT ALT
7-7 [Kiera Mouer] Kill by Elizabeth Trella (from Zoey McCormack). Point MONT ALT
8-7 [Kiera Mouer] Kill by Gracie Vaughn (from Zoey McCormack). Point MONT ALT
[Kiera Mouer] Kill by Claire Riera-Gomez (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 8-8
[Rebecca Dzuranin] Attack error by Elizabeth Trella (block by Sophia Del Vacchio; Kaytlin Kelley). Point HAZELTON 8-9
9-9 [Rebecca Dzuranin] Kill by Elizabeth Trella (from Zoey McCormack). Point MONT ALT
10-9 [Katie Sinks] Attack error by Claire Riera-Gomez. Point MONT ALT
11-9 [Katie Sinks] Service ace (Nora Jones). Point MONT ALT
12-9 [Katie Sinks] Attack error by Kaytlin Kelley. Point MONT ALT
  Timeout Penn State Hazleton.  
[Katie Sinks] Kill by Claire Riera-Gomez (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 12-10
13-10 [Claire Riera-Gomez] Attack error by Sydney Mack (block by Shanez Morales; Gracie Vaughn). Point MONT ALT
14-10 [Cadance Somau] Kill by Gracie Vaughn (from Katie Sinks). Point MONT ALT
[Cadance Somau] Kill by Kaytlin Kelley (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 14-11
15-11 [Nora Jones] Bad set by Sophia Del Vacchio. Point MONT ALT
16-11 [Ashlyn Vandenbree] Kill by Leslie Huckle (from Katie Sinks). Point MONT ALT
[Ashlyn Vandenbree] Kill by Sydney Mack (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 16-12
[Sophia Del Vacchio] Attack error by Arianna Davey (block by Sarah Ballek; Rebecca Dzuranin). Point HAZELTON 16-13
17-13 [Sophia Del Vacchio] Service error. Point MONT ALT
[Zoey McCormack] Kill by Sydney Mack (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 17-14
18-14 [Sydney Mack] Kill by Leslie Huckle. Point MONT ALT
19-14 [Leslie Huckle] Kill by Elizabeth Trella (from Ashlyn Vandenbree). Point MONT ALT
  Timeout Penn State Hazleton.  
[Leslie Huckle] Kill by Sarah Ballek (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 19-15
[Sarah Ballek] Kill by Claire Riera-Gomez (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 19-16
20-16 [Sarah Ballek] Attack error by Claire Riera-Gomez. Point MONT ALT
[Kiera Mouer] Attack error by Elizabeth Trella (block by Rebecca Dzuranin; Kaytlin Kelley). Point HAZELTON 20-17
21-17 [Rebecca Dzuranin] Kill by Gracie Vaughn (from Zoey McCormack). Point MONT ALT
22-17 [Katie Sinks] Attack error by Sophia Del Vacchio (block by Gracie Vaughn). Point MONT ALT
[Katie Sinks] Kill by Lindsey Barron (from Sydney Mack). Point HAZELTON 22-18
[Claire Riera-Gomez] Service ace (Leslie Huckle). Point HAZELTON 22-19
23-19 [Claire Riera-Gomez] Attack error by Sydney Mack. Point MONT ALT
24-19 [Cadance Somau] Kill by Gracie Vaughn (from Katie Sinks). Point MONT ALT
25-19 [Cadance Somau] Kill by Gracie Vaughn (from Katie Sinks). Point MONT ALT
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  On court for HAZELTON: Sarah Ballek; Sydney Mack; Sophia Del Vacchio; Rebecca Dzuranin; Claire Riera-Gomez; Kaytlin Kelley.  
  On court for MONT ALT: Elizabeth Trella; Shanez Morales; Gracie Vaughn; Arianna Davey; Leslie Huckle; Katie Sinks.  
1-0 [Katie Sinks] Kill by Gracie Vaughn (from Katie Sinks). Point MONT ALT
2-0 [Katie Sinks] Kill by Elizabeth Trella (from Ashlyn Vandenbree). Point MONT ALT
[Katie Sinks] Service error. Point HAZELTON 2-1
[Claire Riera-Gomez] Service ace (Shanez Morales). Point HAZELTON 2-2
[Claire Riera-Gomez] Attack error by Gracie Vaughn. Point HAZELTON 2-3
3-3 [Claire Riera-Gomez] Kill by Gracie Vaughn (from Katie Sinks). Point MONT ALT
  MONT ALT subs: Cadance Somau.  
[Cadance Somau] Kill by Kaytlin Kelley (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 3-4
[Nora Jones] Attack error by Gracie Vaughn. Point HAZELTON 3-5
[Nora Jones] Kill by Sydney Mack (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 3-6
[Nora Jones] Attack error by Gracie Vaughn (block by Sarah Ballek; Sydney Mack). Point HAZELTON 3-7
  Timeout Penn State Mont Alto.  
4-7 [Nora Jones] Attack error by Sydney Mack. Point MONT ALT
5-7 [Ashlyn Vandenbree] Kill by Leslie Huckle (from Katie Sinks). Point MONT ALT
6-7 [Ashlyn Vandenbree] Attack error by Sydney Mack. Point MONT ALT
[Anna Mowrer] Kill by Sarah Ballek (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 6-8
[Sophia Del Vacchio] Kill by Sarah Ballek (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 6-9
[Sophia Del Vacchio] Kill by Sydney Mack (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 6-10
[Sophia Del Vacchio] Attack error by Katie Sinks (block by Sarah Ballek). Point HAZELTON 6-11
  Timeout Penn State Mont Alto.  
[Sophia Del Vacchio] Kill by Sarah Ballek (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 6-12
7-12 [Sophia Del Vacchio] Attack error by Sydney Mack (block by Shanez Morales; Arianna Davey). Point MONT ALT
[Zoey McCormack] Kill by Sydney Mack (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 7-13
[Sydney Mack] Attack error by Leslie Huckle. Point HAZELTON 7-14
8-14 [Sydney Mack] Attack error by Rebecca Dzuranin. Point MONT ALT
9-14 [Leslie Huckle] Attack error by Lindsey Barron. Point MONT ALT
[Leslie Huckle] Kill by Sarah Ballek (from Sophia Del Vacchio). Point HAZELTON 9-15
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